Thursday, December 09, 2004

Longing for Europe?

Evidently, the U.S. no longer feels like home for some after the election. I find this story and prevailing attitude of "woe is me" on the left quite interesting. Whatever happened to working harder to communicate your message as a political party? Or becoming more resolute in your beliefs and active in political change? It seems that these people are willing to pack it in at the first sign of defeat. I guess a dumb red state hick could never hope to understand the intellect of the left.
Mr. Sinicki, I don't think there is any legislation in place that prevents you from teaching philosophy and civics to your children at home. Typically, I guess we are expected to rely on the government for all of our needs and the complete education of our children. Ridiculous.
Happy trails, Mr. Sinicki. Why don't you help Alec Baldwin make good on the dozen pledges he's made to leave the country over the years? I'm sure you have room for one more.

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