Friday, December 11, 2009

It's getting hot in here....

UN thugs trying to keep the lid on climate fraud.

Friday, September 11, 2009

ACORN, Pimps and Ho's, Oh My!

Pop some popcorn, settle in and wait for you head to explode. Why is Congress not investigating ACORN? My guess is that they don't want to see their campaing contributions dry up. Forget ACORN, has this become the morality of America? Keep your mouth shout and fill out the form? Take time to watch these videos. They speak for themselves.

Finally, someone seems to have taken some action. The Census Bureau has severed ties with ACORN.


A picture is worth a thousand words.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Change You Can Believe In

What a joke. In the most recent variation of the health care proposal, a family of 4 with a household income of $66,000 would be fined $3,800 for failing to buy health insurance. Isn't that the middle class that BHO promised to help? Aren't these the same fines BHO opposed as a candidate? Isn't a fine a type of tax? The same kind of tax BHO promised NOT to raise on the middle class?
Keep your change.

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Moving Van

Well, like a thief in the night, Van rolls out of town. Americans are finding their voice and making sure Washington hears it.

Adios, Comrade.

Say What?

When our leaders can't answer a simple question, how can they be trusted to draft legislation overhauling the entire healthcare system? Is it just me or could Mayor Coleman be a 5 year old pounding his fists on the floor saying "I want ice cream now!" Typical liberal mantra. I want, I want.

Shame on you, Rep. Kilroy, Mayor Coleman and Lt. Governor Fisher. Weak and pathetic. I would imagine the double talk and incoherent rambling probably works for most of their supporters, but those of us who can think would like a few more details. I suppose at some point, a million Mary Jo Kilroys all giving a million interviews would inevitably string a sentence together. Just not today. I guess we'll just have to hold our breath.

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Van Jones Hits Keep On Coming

Van Jones can't remember if he called for Congressional inquiries into 9/11 or not. Thankfully, some of his greatest hits have been recorded for posterity. Remember, none of Obama's Czars go through any sort of Congressional confirmations and they answer to no one.

George Bush acted like a crackhead

Thursday, September 03, 2009

I know you are, but what am I!

The self-avowed communist and Green Jobs Czar, Van Jones, taking a page from "How to Win Friends and Influence People".

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Nick Nack Patty Waak-O!

'08 race worker held in damage to Colorado Democratic HQ

Pat Waak-O, people in glass houses shouldn't rush to judgement or hire nuts with hammers.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Lockerbie Revisted

Unfortunately, none of the 207 murdered victims of Pan Am flight 103 were given any humanitarian considerations. Unlike their murderer, they did not receive a hero's welcome when their plane touched down. They were not shown mercy. They did not have their death sentence revoked. Is this the resolve that we are willing to show the world?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Papers, Please!

I find myself asking myself with increased frequency where I'm living anymore. Law abiding citizens are increasingly imposed upon in the name of security. Our privacy and our rights are increasingly trampled on for the defense of the fatherland, uh....I mean homeland security. The government will further increase restrictions on our freedom to travel as airlines will be forced to report traveler data to the govnernment rather than review watchlists provided by law enforcement agencies. In essence, travelers will have to receive permission from TSA to book flights, cruises and receive boarding passes. Secure Flight is a new program designed to make travel safer, but digs deeper and restricts more of the rights of law abiding citizens. Good FAQ here. Hard to believe what we've come to in such a short period of time. If we don't give all our information to the government in exchange for permission to travel, I suppose that means the terrorists win?

Friday, August 14, 2009

"Galapagos" Ben, won't you come out tonight?

In the continued "Galapagos" Ben watch, Chandler is still dodging constituents, town halls and the proposed health care legislation. Obviously, his fear of confrontation outweighs his desire (if any) for constituent feedback and access to their elected representative.

Ben Chandler's Summer Reading List.

I suppose kids are a safe group. Odds are that none of them will question Ben on health care. Just keep 'em busy with those monkeys jumping on a bed.

I think these titles might be more appropriate for a post-health care reform world.

"Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed; One Falls off and Has to Wait 6 Months for an MRI."

"If You Give Grandma a Pain Pill, She Might not Need a New Hip."

"David Gets in Trouble by Using More than His Allotment of Health Care and Throwing the Cost Curve Out of Whack."

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Mail Call!

“U.P.S. and FedEx are doing just fine,” Mr. Obama joked. “It’s the post office that’s always having problems.”- President Obama August 11, 2009

We know what sort of problems the USPS is facing. Falling revenues and increasing obligations to retirees and projected cuts in service are turning the USPS into a federal money pit. Sounds lke another government business: the auto industry. I suppose we can expect USPS-like efficiencies and level of service from Obamacare. Perhaps Obamacare will introduce the "forever co-pay." Pay more now to lock in your co-pay forever. Hopefully, not too many people wind up in the dead letter office.

Maybe the USPS can figure how to solve their problems by looking to Medicare, uh...maybe Social Security, well....surely there has to be some government program that doesn't ultimately become insolvent? Right?

Chicago Machine Sticks to the Playbook

Just watch the actions of the Commu-crat leadership over the past several weeks and you can see the influence of Chicago radical Saul Alinsky. His 13th rule of power tactics has been employed to deal with the so-called "un-American" town hall protesters.

Alinsky's 13th rule states:

Pick the target: The Administration and Congressional leadership have singled out anyone opposed to Obamacare as their target.

Freeze it: Commu-crats have attempted to freeze the process by shutting down the town hall meetings because of what they deem uncivil behavior. Of course, that really means is they are afraid to be challenged, right "Galapagos" Ben?

Personalize it: Washington leadership has further personalized the attacks by saying the movement isn't even authentic but simply organized and manufactured by the GOP and national organizations. To them, these aren't angry citizens dissatisfied with this legislation, it is simply a vast right-wing conspiracy. I assure you the rage is real. Perhaps representatives can't see that hunkered down with in their district or on a foreign junket with only the deepest of supporters having access to them.

Polarize/Escalate: In the final coup de grace, Comrade Pelosi thinks that the opposition to Obamacare are Nazis and "un-American". Cut off support from the American public, after all who would support a Nazi? What they are underestimating is all the "fly over" country that they consistently have kicked to the wayside over the past thirty+ years in a push to support their favored constituency in large urban areas. We are standing together on this and I think you should realize that by now. Obama has also called for Dems to "hit back twice as hard" to escalate the strategy because by now the opponent should be on the ropes rather than actually gaining momentum and strength. Bring it, we're ready.

Debate about the direction of our country is never un-American. It is ultimately American. Running from the debate and trying to shut the American people out to simply push forward an agenda is cowardly. What too many of these representatives are choosing to neglect is the fact that they are supposed to represent their constituents, not the administration or their own agenda.
I suppose everything would be perfectly patriotic if we were marching against the war.

Monday, August 10, 2009

The Proof is in the Pudding

This is a big ole' scoop of pudding. Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, Rahm Emanuel's brother, is one of the people helping Obama formulate his health care policy. The following excerpt is taken from a 1996 article written by Dr. Emanuel for The Hastings Center:

"This civic republican or deliberative democratic conception of the good provides both procedural and substantive insights for developing a just allocation of health care resources. Procedurally, it suggests the need for public forums to deliberate about which health services should be considered basic and should be socially guaranteed. Substantively, it suggests services that promote the continuation of the polity-those that ensure healthy future generations, ensure development of practical reasoning skills, and ensure full and active participation by citizens in public deliberations-are to be socially guaranteed as basic. Conversely, services provided to individuals who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens are not basic and should not be guaranteed. An obvious example is not guaranteeing health services to patients with dementia. A less obvious example Is is guaranteeing neuro-psychological services to ensure children with learning disabilities can read and learn to reason."

In short, be a contributing member to the greater good or risk being left in the cold. As usual with the liberals, some are less equal than others.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

"Galapagos" Ben, don't run away!

"Galapagos" Ben Chandler of the 6th District of Kentucky has refused to meet with constituents, is not available by phone and has no scheduled meetings to discuss any issues during the recess. As a member of the Blue Dogs, he's turned out to be more of a yellow dog and certainly Obama's lap dog in supporting Cap and Trade and helping to nail the coffin in Kentucky's coal industry, of course all in the name of "the children".

"Galapagos" Ben can only serve one master. Will it be his constituents or the Obama White House?

Friday, August 07, 2009

Astroturf or Grassroots?

I think the leadership of the Commucrat party needs to realize the opposition to their public healthcare plan is deep rooted and couldn't be any further from "astroturf". The emotion seen playing out at town halls across the country is a result of years of constituent frustration from lack of response from and access to the representatives who claim to represent their interests in Washington. Voters are tired of talking to interns on the phone when they call. Voters are tired of receiving form letters back in the mail responding to their concerns. Voters are tired of their rep running scared and only holding meetings with the deepest segment of his/her support.

Check out Georgia Rep. David Scott's thoughtful response to one of his constituents.

I particularly like the finger pointing, shouting and accusations made by the Rep. Scott. Smells like fear to me, Rep. Scott. Here's hoping you and "Galapagos" Ben have a lot of free time after you lose your seats in the next election. We'll see who turns out; astroturf or grassroots.

Change You Can Believe In

Remember the good ol' days before the President started recruiting snitches to turn on friends, neighbors and co-workers?

You'll be on a list!