Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Papers, Please!

I find myself asking myself with increased frequency where I'm living anymore. Law abiding citizens are increasingly imposed upon in the name of security. Our privacy and our rights are increasingly trampled on for the defense of the fatherland, uh....I mean homeland security. The government will further increase restrictions on our freedom to travel as airlines will be forced to report traveler data to the govnernment rather than review watchlists provided by law enforcement agencies. In essence, travelers will have to receive permission from TSA to book flights, cruises and receive boarding passes. Secure Flight is a new program designed to make travel safer, but digs deeper and restricts more of the rights of law abiding citizens. Good FAQ here. Hard to believe what we've come to in such a short period of time. If we don't give all our information to the government in exchange for permission to travel, I suppose that means the terrorists win?

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