Friday, February 11, 2005

Who's side are you on?

Churchill met with Gadhafi
More news about Ward Churchill. This is more proof of his radical and un-American views. Consorting with terrorists now, Ward?

Credentials in Question
Crazy Indian turns out to be 100% crazy and 0% Indian.


Anonymous said...

"Unamerican"? Erm I don't think so.

You can't claim to have a democracy and then clamp down on what people say even if you don't like it.

As for "unamerican", he's probably more American than you being part-Cherokee, and had ancestors here while yours chased mammoths up the Alps.

Invisible Hand said...

Thanks for the post. I may have missed it, but I can't find anything I wrote that would imply my support for limitations on Ward Churchill's right to free speech. Yes, it is un-American to consort and seek relations with known terrorists.
Secondly, the Cherokee nation has searched their records and can not verify any Indian ancestry for Churchill. They have been unable to trace his ancestry to their people. He will remain 100% crazy, 0% Indian.